Friday 2 September 2011

Abandon by Meg Cabot

When I first started to read Abandon, I was immediately very excited because it’s by one of my all time favourite authors: the wonderful Meg Cabot. I can most definitely say that Abandon does do justice to Meg Cabot because: It. Is. Fantastic! It really incorporates all the makings of a great teenage novel; romance, mystery and the all important love-hate relationship. Abandon also really appealed to me because it included stories based on Greek Mythology and other historical facts. I thought this added a nice touch to the book because it helped you learn a little something in an entertaining way, because it adapted to the many twists in the plotline of the story. So to sum up: I give Abandon 5 stars and cannot wait for book number 2 of this amazing trilogy. 

Monday 28 February 2011

The Awesomeness that is Sophie McKenzie

Okay I'm trying to put of learning my French revision, so I thought I'd do a blog post. You may notice I tend to put of work a lot ;
Sophie McKenzie...what can I say; I lurrrrrrve her books! Seriously they are really interesting, funny and they seriously kick-ass. Tonight I found that is going to be a 6th book in her hugely popular "The Medusa Project" series and there is going to be a sequel to her also hugely popular book "Girl, Missing". You can probably understand my excitement ^_^ .

Okies, now back to French :(

Much Love


Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Medusa Project = ^_^ me

Okay I am thinking of ways to try and waste time and not do my biology homework so I decided to write a blog post. This blog post is about a insanely awesome series of books called; The Medusa Project by Sophie Mckenzie. All my friends have heard my go on about these book because I actually love them! So here goes the review XD:

Okay, the Medusa Project series is about four teenager who go to a boarding school in North London. Sounds pretty normal, right? Well, the different thing about these characters is that they each have their own ability (kinda like the Fantastic Four, but a lot less noticeable by the general public). The books explore the daily going ons of the characters (a book per character). I think this is really great because it allows us to understand each of the characters in more depth, then just skimming over them. The books really appeal to me because they are so easily relate able, because aside from the fact that they have a super freaky ability, they are normal 15 year olds who have crushes/romances, irritating school work, and parents who really don't understand them. Also Sophie Mckenzie is such a fantastic writer that she creates an incredibly vivid image in your mind, which is a good thing (to me at least). I honestly can't praise Sophie Mckenzie's book enough and another blog post will be up soon about three of her other books (Blood Ties, Blood Ransom and Girl, Missing.). This review may seem a bit vague but I really don't want to give away the plot too much because the awesome plot really made me really enjoy the books and I don't want to ruin that for you ;) .

Much Love


Wednesday 26 January 2011

Bit of a random I don't have a quirky title ^_^

Hey people,

Just thought that I would let you know about the type of books I will be reviewing. Okay, I mainly created this blog to review books for MKB VIP, but I will review other interesting books that I have read. Also, I'm thinking about talking about other things, i.e. movies and music to break things up a bit. This blog will still be mainly about books, but with a few other things to add interest. Okies?

Much love

Monday 24 January 2011

Demon Trappers

Thought this post might take some time, but its....not (sorry couldn't think of anything witty to say -_-).

Demon Trappers by Jana Oliver...


Riley has always wanted to be a Demon Trapper like her father, and she's already following in his footsteps as one of the best. But it's tough being the only girl in an all-guy world, especially when three of those guys start making her life more complicated: Simon, the angelic apprentice who has heaven on his side; Beck, the tough trapper who thinks he's God's gift, and Ori, the strikingly sexy stranger who keeps turning up to save her ass.
One thing’s for sure – if she doesn’t keep her wits about her there’ll be hell to pay . . .
What I think: At first I found the book kind of hard to really get into. I thought it might be another Twilight wannabe about a good-looking mythical boy and an ordinary girl, but it is so much better than Twilight and about a hundred times better than all those other Twilight wannabes. The great thing about Demon Trappers is that Riley have the whole "I need somebody to save me" attitude, because she is able to watch out for herself. When I was reading the book I also started to fell a little bit depressed for Riley because whenever anything got good for her, something spectacularly bad comes along and ruins it. I guess this is what helps make it such compulsive reading; you want find out if the protagonist comes out better after the hardship. Also just for good measure, the book has some interesting and handsome boy characters to keep you interested, so even a reluctant reader would read this ( and then the reluctant reader would find out how incredibly awesome the book is and would read the book to the very end.  Sneaky ;) ). All in all a very good book with something for everyone and a storyline that will keep you interested to the very end and wanting more.

First Post

Hi this is my first blog post so please be nice :-)

This blog is basically for reviewing books and such...

So that's it for now but soon I will have a review for an epic new book called; Demon Trappers by Jana Oliver.

I can totally feel the excitement ^_^

'Till later XD